Skin: Your Largest Organ
A health lesson on skin. Includes printable teaching reading comprehension lesson worksheets.
• Students will be able to identify the skin as the body’s largest organ.
• Students will understand the function of skin.
• Students will be able to identify the layers and components of skin.
• Students will be able to describe ways to keep skin healthy.
Suggested Grades:
3rd Grade - 4th Grade - 5th Grade
Print the reading comprehension passage and questions (see below).
Students should read the passage silently, then answer the questions. Teachers may also use the text as part of a classroom lesson plan.
Lesson Excerpt:
When you think of the organs of your body, your heart, stomach and lungs probably come to mind. But did you know that your skin is also an organ? In fact, it is your body's largest organ. Healthy skin is very important. It protects all of the other organs in your body as well as your skeleton and muscles. Taking proper care of your skin can go a long way in helping to take care of your health.
The skin has two main layers. The outer layer, called the epidermis (eh.puh.DER.muhs), is tough and waterproof. It keeps germs out of your body as long as it isn't broken. When you get a cut or scrape, you have to keep it clean so it can heal properly. The top layer of the epidermis is made of dead skin cells. These cells can easily be scraped off. They prevent germs from getting any further into the skin. Underneath the layer of dead skin cells is a layer that grows and divides quickly to make new cells. These cells are pushed toward the surface to replace the ones that flake off.

Lesson Printables:
Print this printable worksheet for this lesson: